Efficacy and Safety of the PET Imaging Agent [18F]NAV4694 in Subjects With Probable Alzheimer's Disease
Unknown status
Unknown status
Trial end date:
Target enrollment:
Participant gender:
This is a phase 2, open-label, multiple-center, non-randomized single dose study to assess the safety and efficacy of [18F]NAV4694 PET imaging in detecting beta-amyloid plaque in the brain in subjects with probable AD compared with healthy volunteers.Phase:
Phase 2Accepts Healthy Volunteers?
Accepts Healthy VolunteersDetails
Lead Sponsor:
Navidea Biopharmaceuticals
Inclusion Criteria:All participants:
- is able to provide informed consent or assent, and exhibits adequate visual, auditory,
and communication capabilities to enable compliance with study procedures
- should be able to perform the psychometric testing
- has a modified Hachinski score ((Hachinski, et al., 2012; Rosen, et al., 1980) ≤ 4 at
- possesses a general health that permits adequate compliance with all study procedures
as ascertained by a detailed review of the medical history, surgical history,
laboratory and physical examination findings, which must be performed within 56 days
prior to administration of [18F]NAV4694
- informed consent has been signed and dated by the subject and/or the subject's legally
authorized representative (LAR; for probable AD subjects)
Healthy Volunteers Only
- is male or female and is between the age of 18 and 40 years (for younger HVs) or 55 to
85 years of age (for older HVs)
- if female does not have childbearing potential: must be confirmed by either:
post-menopausal status; or history of surgical sterilization or of hysterectomy
- if female has childbearing potential: must demonstrate a negative serum beta-HCG level
at screening and a negative urine pregnancy test on the day of injection (prior to
injection) consistent with a non-gravid state and agree to use two acceptable forms of
birth control
- has no evidence of cognitive impairment as indicated by a clinical dementia rating
(CDR) (Morris, 1993) score of 0 (zero) and a score of ≥ 28 in the Mini-Mental State
Examination (MMSE) (Folstein, et al., 1975)
- has MRI brain scan that has been judged as "normal (age-appropriate)" supporting the
lack of cerebrovascular disease (e.g., a white matter lesion score of 0, 1, or 2 and a
basal ganglia score of 0 to 1 on the ARWMC scale)
Probable Alzheimer's Disease Subjects Only
- is male or female and is ≥ 55 of age, whereby females must be without childbearing
potential (confirmed by either:post-menopausal status; or history of surgical
sterilization or of hysterectomy)
- presents with positive assessment for dementia of Alzheimer's type in accordance with
the DSM-IV-TR and probable AD according to the NINCDS-ADRDA criteria and fulfills none
of the exclusion criteria of either
- does not fulfill the International Consensus Criteria (ICC) for probable diffuse Lewy
body disease (DLBD), the NINDS-AIREN for probable vascular dementia, or the Neary
criteria for frontotemporal dementia (FTD) [Neary et al. 1998]
- has a MMSE score between 16 and 23
- has a CDR (Morris, 1993) score of 1 to 2
- has a Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia (CSDD; (Alexopoulos, et al., 1988))
score less than or equal to 18 (definite major depression)
- MRI brain scan findings that do not reveal changes indicative of stroke and/or
generalized cerebrovascular disease changes (limited to: a white matter lesion score
of 0, 1, or 2 and a basal ganglia score of 0 or 1 on the ARWMC scale)
- has a caregiver who is willing and able to attend study visits and perform the
psychometric tests requiring the presence of a caregiver
Exclusion Criteria:
- has any contraindication to MRI examination, e.g., metal implants or phobia
- is not able to lie down flat in the MRI and PET scanners
- is scheduled for surgery and/or another invasive procedure within the time period of
up to 10 days after [18F]NAV4694 application
- is medically unstable and whose clinical course during the observation period is
unpredictable, e.g., subjects within 14 days of myocardial infarction or stroke,
unstable subjects with previous surgery (within 7 days), subjects with advanced heart
insufficiency (NYHA stage IV), or with acute renal failure
- has a history of exposure to any radiation > 30 mSv in the last year (e.g.,
occupational, diagnostic imaging, or radiation therapy)
- is receiving drug therapy or other treatment that is known to lead to greatly
fluctuating values of the hematological or chemical laboratory parameters or to severe
side effects (e.g., chemotherapy)
- has received anti-amyloid immunotherapy
- has been previously enrolled in this study and received [18F]NAV4694 or participated
in a clinical study involving an investigational pharmaceutical product within 30 days
prior to screening, and/or any radiopharmaceutical within 10 radioactive half-lives
prior to [18F]NAV4694 administration
- has a brain tumor or other intracranial lesion, a disturbance of cerebrospinal fluid
(CSF) circulation (e.g., normal pressure hydrocephalus) and/or a history of serious
head trauma or brain surgery
- has a history, physical, laboratory, or imaging findings indicative of a significant
neurological or psychiatric illness (other than AD for the subjects with probable AD)
- has another untreated disease that can cause disturbance of brain function (e.g.
vitamin B12 or folic acid deficiency, disturbed thyroid function, anemia)
- has a history of alcohol abuse or drug dependency in the 3 years prior to study entry
or is an alcoholic or drug addict as determined by the investigator